Be sure to check out the new series of Coleen's Real Women ITV2 Tuesday's at 9pm. I really enjoyed the last one, so I'm looking forward to the next few weeks of fashion, beauty and photoshoots from a real woman's perspective. Great viewing!
Labels: coleen's real women
My darling Diva Nicole will alway's end a dramatic story with the phrase L.I.F.E. because I guess it sums everything up. You lose your job...L.I.F.E, you crash your car...L.I.F.E, you turn up at a party and someone is wearing the same dress...L.I.F.E and we could go on and on.
- You are dead Diva can fulfill any dream.
- You have your health, physical and mental.
- You have the world at your finger tips via the web.
- Leave fear behind.
- Don't care about people seeing you fail..(at least your trying)
- Be your own marker...COMPARE YOURSELF TO NOONE.
- Be realistic and prepared to work hard.
I write this not only to inspire you, but also myself. How many things have you started and then shelved out of fear, frustration and lack of belief.
Let's make a pact:
- To Go for it.
- Support our fellow Diva's.
- Fulfil our God given potential.
CAN WE DO IT?...............YES WE CAN!........................