Celebrities love to have their faces splashed on every paper, magazine and TV show, its the nature of the business and proves whether you are hot property or not, if your not making the paper's your not making paper...SIMPLE! Unfortunately, the story being positive or negative is neither here or there, if it's going to sell its going to print.
The recent altercation between Chris Brown and Rihanna has sent the media into a frenzy as no one can believe 'CHRIHANNA' has come to this. The couple of the moment, the one's were all watching, the two who's songs we can't help singing have got themselves into some dark territory with this one. For me if any story was going to come out about them I would have though it would have been a cheating scandal, pregnancy scare etc etc but physical violence was not picked up on my radar.
I love me some Rihanna, her style, her songs, HER HAIR and the fact that she's from the Caribbean and not Hollywood. I even liked the fact she was with CB, they are both so young and both at the top of their game, I know like me you all enjoyed being on celeb watch, looking out for the two of them at all the star studded events....IS IT OVER???? We hope not.
I put this question out to you reader's....Is there ever a time when you can justify a man beating a woman? Please comment I'd love to get different opinions on this one and see what we come up with. My answer is NO, but then if the woman was mistreating and abusing their child or she gave him HIV then maybe she would deserve a BEATDOWN! I don't know, violence has never solved anything yet and normally only adds to the problem...SADTIMES...Get well soon RiRi.
Let's see what you think....
Labels: Rihanna
Apparently CB was raised in a home where his mother was beaten by his step father, i dont condone what he did but maybe it stems from there?
You are so right, Somethings we just can't change or prevent. Once we do choose to live life to the fullest in every way...fearless, and with no regrets that's what is called Living. Like TI & my fellow Bajan and battered Diva RiRi says "LIVE YOUR LIFE"
lol - but goin onto the riri story- u cant hit a woman period!! (i.m.o) but what the hell kinda man "bites" his woman nuh uh breezy!!
Sitting here with fellow divas and divas in training we speak again about the discussion at hand, is there a time you can justify a man beating a woman? Mixed Reviews. Yolanda says it all depends; Yolan is a girl who will punch, hit or kick a man if needed. She said she has provoked a man and looking back she realise how lucky she was because the episode ended with the man so pissed off he just walked away. She was lucky as it could have gone another way, like an unlucky blow to the jaw. She says if he did beat her down, she would deserve the beat down as provocation always initiates something bad.
Sophia, Star sign - Scorpion :-}, she says the answer is a NO. Whatever the reason NO. She says someone has to diffuse the situation. She does say the question is very conflicting since we women, you know, can do and say some things that are just out of order but morally it’s WRONG. She declares NO!!
Maggie says...why Chris hit Rihanna; there always two sides to a story! V, you know Maggie...LOL
Well for me this question leads to can we justify a man or a woman giving a beat down. I know it’s wrong, really wrong, but some women and men do deserve it. Wooden Tissue Paper Holders some have said; to be used on a man. When we all tuned onto the Grammy’s and heard Chris allegations with an unidentified woman, Bajan radars went on and we knew it was Rihanna. We tuned into E News and heard CB was slapped, we turned and looked at each other and say Bajan’s Don’t Slap we Cuff aka... a Punch. We started acting out and giving our own interpretation of what happened to Chrianna. Did she provoke the man, did he provoke the woman. It’s not the first time to hear about these two but it’s the biggest.
Like Ne-yo said we can fuss and we can fight, long as everything is alright between us, b4 we go to sleep. However we do look at it and whoever started it, beating is wrong. Chris breezy hmmmm. Let’s hope our RiRi is taking it Easy, breezy, staying Beautiful and taking Cover, girls!!
Rihanna is the bigger star, her career will not suffer from his Chris Brown's career on the other hand may not bounce back ...you cant hit the RiRi!
Thanks ladies!
This topic has sent our heads spinning by the sounds of it! Lets keep our ear to the grounds and listen out for further developments...I'm looking forward to her comeback single for this one....WHAT OUT CB!