I wrote the blog below earlier today, but thought I would add some visuals to highlight just how brave Jade really is.

None of us who can hear or read could have possibly missed the headline grabbing story that is... JADE GOODY HAS CANCER . On the day it was announced that the cancer become terminal and that she would be dead in a matter of weeks I didn't sleep a wink. I stared at the ceiling, tears rolling down my cheeks, shocked to my very core that this 27 year old mum of two was going to die. I am a very rational person but this story caused me to become fearful and irrational, it caused me to ask the question 'what would I do if it was me?'

I remember when I was a teenager, ordering my friends that if I died I wanted them to scatter my ashes all over the floor at Colosseum (our favourite club!) or else I would come back to haunt them for clubbing without me! I objected to being left in a cold cemetary while they partied the night away...probably wearing my things!!! Maturity is a fantastic gift diva's...! Now my concern would be my daughter, my family and friends who's life I would no longer be a part of.

Like most women I hate having to make the appointment to go for a smear test, I mean who genuinely is excited about having their legs held open by force (don't answer that!) with your odd socks and poor attempt at a Brazilian exposed, then that medieval metal instrument shoved in your Miss Virginia and then having Cyril the cervix swabbed and scraped to within an inch of his life! NOT ME PEOPLE! Anyway saying that I am very on the ball with my smears after having an unsatisfactory result back in my early twenties. The letter came back to me stating that pre-cancerous cells had been found on my cervix and that I would have to have a colposcopy to remove them...The only word that stood out was 'cancerous' I was slightly shaken and proceeded to call my G.p and an appointment was made to have the cells lasered off.

I remember lying once again on my back, legs in stirrups but his time having the privilege of seeing my cervix in all its glory on screen! As the Doctor began the treatment I began to smell burning, I thought the hospital was on fire and began to panic as to how I was going to get to the safety meeting spot in the car park with my bum hanging out of the gown! But obviously the hospital was not on fire it was the abnormal cells being burnt off making me pre-cancerous cell free and able to move on happily and healthily. After that procedure I had to have my smears annually as opposed to every 3 years...but now after 4 years in the clear I can revert back normal...YAY ME!!!

Please ladies don't mess around with your health.
  1. Do you know that a broken tooth, can cause an infection that can enter your brain.
  2. A simple eye test can detect a brain tumour.
  3. A smear test can prevent cervical cancer leading to an hysterectomy and/or death.
  4. If you are bleeding very heavily during your periods you could have fibroids or endometriosis (I have been operated on for both-its no joke).

The list is endless, we take our kids and cars to get checked at the slightest sign of any problems. What about us? We run the show in our households so we need to be well and what's more our Health system is free so there is no excuse.

I have always liked Jade Goody even her racist episode with Shilpa didn't bother me that much , she is just stupid at times. I do rate the fact that for someone who speaks like they finished their education at 10 years old has done remarkably well for herself, I applaud her hard working nature and her carefree attitude to life and though I don't personally know her I will miss her on TV, I have enjoyed her.

Take care Jade, I salute you Diva x




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