So Long.....

Its been soooooooooooo long since I last blogged. I can't beleive how the time has passed. So much has happened. I have been so busy at college, being a parent, working hard at Church in the music department and being half of a relationship that also takes work (you know how it is ladies) so basically its been work, work, work and no time to blog...

Until now!.... I'm taking 10 mins out of my busy schedule to share, vocalise and to vent to you all, who care to listen.

At the moment i'm fed up of the hype that is Katie Price
Whats with the trout pout those Bert form Sesame street's black eyebrows and that new beau of hers? ITS NOT GOING TO LAST KATIE! Rihanna who I loved so much has pushed me to the absolute limit of tolerance, so i'm just suggesting that if she wants to be satan's personal assistant just quit the music biz and work for him full time cos i'm done with all the subliminal RiRi.

I am loving JLS the boyband from reality show X FACTOR who did not win but have come out guns blazing and scored 2 consecutive no.1's! Boys I am a fan, you put a smile on my face cos your're not trying to be gangstas and you're slighty awkward and off beat at times that adds to your adorability factor. I feel like i'm their aunty rooting for them in the background.
..peeps lets support them they are doing us proud!

Ok 10 mins is up now got a cake to decorate so off I go...I WILL BE BACK!


Hey Diva's and Divo's for the next couple of months Diva Academy will be taking a come back bigger and better and with a new format and name. Stay tuned as I will be back with updates for you.

Thanks for the support and love...Back soon to spice up your coffee break...!

Vee x

Founder of Diva Academy

Being from the UK the steady influx of gospel artists is not as readily accessible as it is in the US, However thanks to YOUTUBE and TBN I am able to get my necessary fix. One of the Gospel greats I had the pleasure of discovering on TBN was Rev. Timothy Wright who was the pastor of the Brooklyn-based ministry, Grace Tabernacle Christian Center Church of God in Christ. When he and his Choir ministered with the song 'You must come in at the door' I was ON MY FEET!!!

Not too long after becoming a fan I was shocked to hear that he and his Wife and grandson had been involved in car accident that left His wife Betty and grandson, dead. They had been on their way home after attending a Church meeting, they were hit by a car travelling in the wrong direction. Since then he has been in hospital recovering but unfortunately things did not turn out as hoped, late on Thursday the anointed, talented Timothy Wright passed away almost a year after the accident. In January two of his sons accepted a STELLAR AWARD on his behalf at the same time announcing that their Father had in fact taken a turn for the worse.

He has gone on before but with all those who serve the Lord there is a hope. His legacy will touch lives for generations to come.


Michelle Obama.

Is it just me or do you guys actually feel that this woman is a breath of fresh air for us? I mean apart from my mother whom I love and respect dearly as well as look up to, I have had no such influence from anywhere else. Then in walks this tall, elegant, confident and powerful woman, and she’s just like me, she's black!!!

Not only is the colour of her skin our major similarity, she also studied law, just like me and she is married with two beautiful girls, just like me!! I know I am maybe stretching the similarity here, but this is amazing, to finally see someone like me in the most powerful position in the World. God has allowed her to handle all the roles she has, wife, mother, worker, role model, 1st Lady. Boy if she can do it, so can I! I mean God made us all in His own image, he didn't give anyone of us more favour than the other, and we all have equal access to His blessings.

I’m not envious of Michelle, no no no, all that public scrutiny and criticism is just not me, I’ll leave that to people who can handle that. I'm just encouraged by her. If She can get to such a position because she imagined it and then worked her socks off to get it (plus let's not forget with God's helping hand), so too can I have that kind of resolve and determination to achieve whatever I dream.

I do feel much bolder and more daring and it's because I see right before my eyes that my skin is NOT a barrier!!

Ever since I was little I was told that this world is unfair and there is so much racism that it’s hard for us to get ahead. Now because I never truly experienced actual ‘in-your-face’ rascism, I dismissed that way of thinking. But as I grew older I noticed that in class teachers were a little warmer to the ‘white’ kids and they were always so keen to drop me down a level in science or maths. Still to me this wasn’t any form of rascism, I just studied hard and kept my grades up and stayed in the higher groups. I finally finished university and now I can get that dream job I have worked all these years for. However I start to notice after a year of interviews, no jobs? That can’t be right!! I’m well qualified to get at least one of those jobs! So now it starts to settle in my head that my colour could be a barrier!!

At this point some of us will start to gi
ve up and just set aside our dreams and just manage the office job we have, at least money is coming in. Now seeing the Obama’s as powerful as they are, I have no more reasons to not try and achieve my dream. I just have a 'yes I am a black woman, I can have or do anything I want' attitude. It’s refreshing and I love it. Yes it’s still hard work to achieve anything in life but if you don’t see your skin as a barrier, it will never be one!!


Yes I was once a teen, a quietly confident 13 year old, a feisty 'no it all' 15 year old and by 16 I was unstoppable, with my blond curly weave, burgundy lipstick, and white PVC platforms I thought I was the BIZNISS! SHAME ON ME!!! I would strut my stuff as though I was what the world had been waiting for, I was VEYAN and as far as I was concernd my name was in lights (all be it in my head). Saying all that though people I was harmless, In the scheme of things I was not making any waves and I most definitely was not instilling fear into all who crossed me. So what's change with the youth of today????

Today many teens belong to gangs, these gangs do not just hail from down trodden areas in the darkest depths of south London....they are EVERYWHERE and within them has gone all care and regard for others and the World in which they live and instead has been replaced by a selfish, sinister and sordid nature that is causing our community to hold our heads with despair. WHAT HAS HAPPENED?

My daughter is only one year old, so I cannot profess to know the dilemma that is raising a teen in 2009 but surely some of the blame must rest with parents. If I named my child Stephen I don't expect to hear he has renamed himself 'SNIPER'. Is it really Stephen?! There has to be something wrong when parents who do not know who their kids friends are. I'm sorry but just because your child is 'grown' doesn't mean you can leave it all in their hands because when he has a knife sticking out of his chest YOU ARE WHO THE POLICE ARE CALLING, YOU ARE WHO WILL BE CRYING OVER HIS COFFIN. As a teen I still needed my mother's chastising, I lived under her roof anyway so where was my choice? (that's how it should be).

The young girls I see on Facebook and Myspace hurt my heart, you can tell they like most teens have gone to the MTV BASE school of conduct, where 50 Cent is the head master and Chipmunk, Ciara and Lil Wayne make up the school board. We got to take back control and not leave it to the media. I have a 17 year old niece and I can say she makes me proud, (you know I keep it real so if she didn't I would say) her Mum knows her friends AND has contact with the parents and every party she attends she gets picked up by one of her parents. How can you be rolling in at the same time as your kids or comparing how many numbers you got!!!! I am not kidding that is the state of affairs in some households and we are acting like we are shocked at the youth of today???? WAKE UP ALREADY.

Teens are great they are the adults of tomorrow, they are vibrant, creative and fearless...Let's make an effort to get into the business of the teens we love, find out what they like, what they are doing, if they need your help...its the only way we can save them from the bad apples out there.

With Love Vx

What do you think about her Madgesty trying to adopt a second baby from Malawi? Personally I do not see what all the hoo haa is...She's just trying to 'give back' by taking home a child that has been left without a mother, from a country that in most parts is impoverished. Is that a bad thing??? I mean it's not like Michael Jackson is the celeb trying to do it...I can't believe he has actually been 'allowed' to father children. If he was not a celeb he would probably have social services on his behind because in the opinion of most of us...He is NOT all there(and that is me being polite!)

Every time Angelina goes and buys a pair of shoes she has to pick up a kid on the wa
y home to match them! What's that about?!? I hear the next kid she wants is from India...Somebody needs to stop her because I'm starting to get annoyed. Is it becoming like a fad to her rather than a truly humanitarian act? Hummmmm...ALSO every time I see Zahara she has a hood mean she can't afford Lakweesha from the Bronx to hook the kiddie up!

I am not by any means a fan of Madonna's but I do sympathise with her at the moment because I don't see why they would let her adopt one child and not another from the same country.

My final opinion is that these celebs should be commended for what they are doing but what about the kids in the UK and USA that are suffering and all the kids of all races that are on fostering and adoption waiting lists that are right here under our noses, they are being forgotten. Of course there is no solution to this worldwide problem...God bless the little children is all I can say. x

Whilst rummaging around the web for great pics for my diva's out there, I came across this photo of our lovely Oprah...Now she has the best of the best to care for her how come her weave tract is SCREAMING at me through her strands of hair????? See ladies it don't matter how rich you are, until you just stay natural and let your afro do what it gotta do, you will ALWAYS have hair drama!




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